
ALERT: Nigeria To Witness Lunar Eclipse Monday – Unizik Don

ALERT: Nigeria To Witness Lunar Eclipse Monday – Unizik Don Prof Augustine Ubachukwu, Astronomy Research Group Lead, University of Nigeria Nsukka, Enugu State, said that Nigeria and some African countries will witness the first total Lunar eclipse of the year on May 16. Ubachukwu, in an interview on Wednesday with the News Agency of Nigeria

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Health Science

The man who saved thousands of people from HIV

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Termites sacrifice their elderly in ant wars: study

When termites go to war, the oldest soldiers fight on the front lines, being closer to death anyway, a study revealed on Wednesday. In life-or-death battles with ants that invade their nests and eat their friends, termite fighters have adopted a military strategy very unlike that of humans, researchers wrote in the Royal Society Journal

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The sun to be cooler by 2050 – study

The Sun might be unusually cool by 2050, according to a new study. Based on the cooling spiral of recent solar cycles, scientists from University of California, San Diego believe the next “grand-minimum” is just decades away, during which the Sun will be seven per cent cooler. A grand-minimum, according to the study, is a

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